It's been called to my attention that while I've tried to use this blog to be informative and entertaining, I've spent most of my time telling my readers the things I HATE about weddings, without giving much insight into what I LOVE about weddings. This was not my intention but as I look back at past posts, I realize how true that statement is. That is why I plan on focusing my next few posts on what I love about weddings.
In this post, I would like to mention my top 5 favorite weddings/ wedding memories. Of course, this is a difficult feat seeing as how I can't remember EVERY wedding I've ever attended. But I have narrowed it down to the first five that popped into my head. I have tried to include pictures for enjoyment purposes but some weddings took place pre-Mark Zuckerberg's big break so I have no access to them. (If you read this and wonder why your wedding is not on the list, I apologize. This post is no indication of how I feel about you or your wedding.)
#5 Toni McDowell and Travis Laney
I have known Toni McDowell my entire life. She was my baby sitter at a young age and a close friend of the family since before I was born. Her wedding meant a lot to me, not only because she is one of my longest and closest friends but it was the first wedding I got to dance at. Growing up, the weddings I attended were held in churches so there was no dancing at the reception and, quite frankly, that was still in the time when dancing was considered "a sin" in most Southern Baptist churches. However, at the age of 14, I got to DANCE at Toni McDowell's wedding. I just remember it being the most fun I'd ever had at a wedding and I've never forgotten the excitement.
#4 Monica Hong and Shaun Stotyn
For those of you who know me well, you know that I have spent quite a bit of time in the beautiful state of Vermont! I first went to Vermont in 2006 when I spent the summer working for a church plant. It was then I first met Monica Hong and Shaun Stotyn. I immediately became good friends with both of them as individuals and spent plenty of time getting to hang out with them throughout the whole summer. I went again in the summer of 2008, continuing to grow my friendship with both and through all that time the two of them were just friends (and quite frankly, they got on each other's nerves a lot;) Then, all of a sudden, something happened. I was back in Oklahoma and, through casual conversation with Monica over a year ago, found out that she and Shaun were....DATING! Of course I was shocked but was thrilled that the next year I would get to fly back to Vermont to witness two of my best friends marry each other. It was an amazing wedding and it meant so much to get to be there for it. Two people, who had meant so much to me as individuals were finding a life partner in each other. It was such a blessing to see. Not to mention, I got to go back to my second home and witness their union with my second church family, it was almost like I never left. I don't think I'll ever forget how special it was to me.
Me and "Shun" (He's Canadian *shrug*) |
Monica and I :) |
#3 Cathryn Good and Travis Jackson
Cat Good was my best friend in high school and living proof that a feminist could fall in love! All throughout high school, Cat was determined to never marry and live her life the way she wanted. At that point we were complete opposites and even though she played the role of supportive friend, I knew she found my desire to get married a little ridiculous and annoying. However, Cat never imagined that she could fall so hard, so quickly until she met Travis Jackson in college. After she met him, it was all over; she knew she would marry him and wanted to do so as soon as humanly possible. I was fortunate enough to be her bridesmaid and still feel so honored that I got to be a part of that day. I've never seen a wedding with so much of the bride's personality thrown into. Her decorations fit her, and the service was completely lighthearted and comedic! I loved every minute of it. It also taught me a very important lesson, God's will is above our own. We can fight him, like we fight love, all we want; but when He calls us, we can't help but become putty in His hands. Even though I might put up a fight, one day I'll find that guy and I won't stand a chance at winning that battle. Thanks Cat Jackson for unknowingly teaching me that. :)
Lauren, Cat and I at Cat's wedding:) |
#2 Jennifer Petete and Michael GarnerThe wedding in which my sweet cousin Jennifer married my awesome cousin-in-law Michael is one of my favorite weddings of all time. Not only was I excited about my cousin getting to marry the man we all knew God had in mind for her, but my whole family was there! Every member of the Petete clan was in attendance and it was one of the last times we have all been together in the same place, that I can remember. (Inevitably, at least 1 person can't make it for a holiday.) It was the first wedding I had attended where the bride and groom took all the pictures before the wedding so they could be present at the entire reception, inspiring me to one day do the same. Not to mention, they had the best groom's cake that I've ever had in my life, (and I've had quite a few!) This wedding was also special because it was the day we met Chris Hardin, my cousin Mandy's husband. He came to the wedding so that he could meet us all, and asked us individually if he could marry Mandy (as far as I know, Mandy had no clue he was doing this.) So not only did I get ONE great cousin-in-law to take care of my precious cousins, I was getting TWO! It was a very special day:)
#1 Jayme Petete and Kenny Reinbold
My #1 favorite wedding memory of all time comes from my cousin Jayme's wedding (younger sister of #2 wedding bride.) The wedding was wonderful and I was so proud to be a bridesmaid at the wedding Jayme and I had talked about our entire lives. However, my favorite part of the wedding had nothing to do with the ceremony. If you go back to wedding #5 you'll remember that growing up I wasn't allowed to dance and that dancing was regarded as "a sin." As I got older, things had changed a bit, everyone was ok with dancing...except my dad. Dad was always convicted that dancing was something he shouldn't take part in and so for most of my life, I figured I'd never have a father/daughter dance at my wedding, and like every wedding before, I figured I wouldn't have one at Jayme and Kenny's wedding either.
When I got to the Reinbold reception, my mom took me aside and told me to ask dad to dance. My response was, "No way!" It's hard enough being rejected by all the single guys in the room, it's even worse being rejected by your own dad, lol! I also told her I respected dad's leading to abstain from dancing as a way of sanctification and refused to push him to do anything he didn't believe in. However, mom kept emphasizing that I REALLY needed to ask dad to dance. Of course I continued to avoid asking him, until a slow song came on and
he asked
me. I was completely surprised and honestly had no idea how to react. We danced at least two songs together and I knew he could tell I wanted to cry. I had always hoped to be able to dance with my dad and finally, after years of trying to persuade him, he finally asked me to dance. After that, I didn't care how many single guys were in the room nor did I wonder how many invitations to dance I'd receive. All that mattered is that I finally got to dance with my dream dance partner. My dad.
Me and dad dancing |
My favorite picture of us, ever! |